Our Philosophy on Health

Welcome to Shift It, where we help you sustainably improve your health and maintain vitality long term.

We’d like to introduce you to our philosophy on health so that you know what to expect when you consult our resources and can begin to envision your state of health in the long term.

One core principle underlies our entire philosophy.

It’s Your Responsibility

Many people take the backseat when it comes to the state of their body. This is inevitable because we’re flooded with unhealthy options and our tendency is to focus on short-term pleasure rather than long-term vitality.

Any maladies that occur come as a surprise because we’re not paying enough attention to our health and considering how everything we eat, drink, do and feel is contributing to or jeopardising our wellbeing. Then it’s up to the health professionals to pick up the pieces as best they can.

It might appear that we can eat as we like, drink as we like, and ignore exercise, because any negative effects can be treated by surgery or medicine of some kind. Why bother looking for sustainable health? Why not just live life to the full and let the medical system fix my body when it breaks?

This tendency is exacerbated by the pharmaceutical industry, whose entire business model is founded upon treating illnesses via solutions that are external to the person suffering from them.

Take it as a core principle that fundamentally your health is not the responsibility of doctors, physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists and psychologists. It is your responsibility.

Of course, health professionals can offer advice and solutions, and we recommend you continue to consult them. However, they have one key flaw, among many others: they cannot live your life for you. They’re not at the helm of your body or your habits. Therefore, they cannot enact change in you: you must do so.

Even if you choose to join forces with other people who are also improving their health, which is proven to aid in recovery from several diseases, the responsibility still lies with you. Nobody can force you to go to group meetings or events, no matter their level of medical or nutritional knowledge.

Nobody has as much control over your body and habits as you do. This shift in perspective is crucial if you wish to transform your health.